Shakiba genetics center

Traditional fertility testing can take weeks or months, but Shakiba Medical Center allows patients to complete the test and receive their results in one session.








Sperm and Egg Freezing

Our Services

NGS panels for various diseases

Technical officials of the laboratory

Dr. Amir Amiri Yekta
Dr. Amir Amiri Yekta
Director of Shakiba Medical Genetics Center

Is genetic testing right for you?

Many years of experience
Traditional fertility testing can take weeks and months, but the medical center is patient with patients.
Many years of experience
Traditional fertility testing can take weeks and months, but the medical center is patient with patients.
Many years of experience
Traditional fertility testing can take weeks and months, but the medical center is patient with patients.
Many years of experience
Traditional fertility testing can take weeks and months, but the medical center is patient with patients.
Many years of experience
Traditional fertility testing can take weeks and months, but the medical center is patient with patients.

How to proceed for genetic testing

Consult your doctor or genetic counselor to choose the best test For you or your family


The time to prepare the test result varies according to the type of test Is


Meeting with the genetic counselor of Shakiba Medical Genetics Center for explanations More about the test result


Consult your doctor or genetic counselor to choose the best test For you or your family


Refer to the genetics laboratory to be accepted for the test


The time to prepare the test result varies according to the type of test Is


After receiving the test result, see your doctor for the result interpret for you


Meeting with the genetic counselor of Shakiba Medical Genetics Center for explanations More about the test result


How much does genetic testing cost?

The cost of genetic tests varies and depends on the type of test and its complexity. It is best to discuss costs with the laboratory or genetic counselor before doing the test.

Is genetic testing accurate?

The accuracy of the genetic test depends on the type of test and the technology used. Most genetic tests are very accurate, but no test is 100% accurate and errors can occur.

Will my information remain confidential?

Yes, all your information is kept confidential and will be disclosed to doctors only with your permission.

How long does it take for genetic test results to be ready?

The time it takes for the results to be ready depends on the type of test. Some tests may take a few days, while others may take weeks or months.