About Shakiba Center

Worm Epsom is a fake text with the production of incomprehensible simplicity from the printing industry, and with the use of graphic designers, printers and texts but also newspapers and magazines in columns and rows as necessary, and for the current conditions of technology required, and diverse applications with the aim of improving tools It is practical, many books in sixty-three percent of the past, present and future require a lot of knowledge from the society and specialists, to create more knowledge for computer designers, especially creative designers, and the leading culture in Persian language, with software. Especially creative designers, and created a progressive culture in the Persian language, in this case, we can hope that all the difficulty in providing solutions, and the difficult conditions of typing will end, and the time required will include typing the main achievements, and answering continuous questions. People from the existing world of design should be basically used.


ژن شناخته شده


آزمایشات ژنتیک


مشاوره های موفق


کادر مجرب

Values ​​of Shakiba Center

Shakiba's life is made by its values; A place where he tries to go beyond treatment to culture, to define frameworks beyond his business and stick to them. Shakiba's life is made by its values; A place that tries to address culture beyond treatment, define frameworks beyond its business and stick to them. Shakiba's soul is made up of its values; A place where he tries to go beyond treatment to culture, to define frameworks beyond his business and stick to them.

ماموریت ما

در مرکز ژنتیک پزشکی شکیبا، ماموریت ما ارائه راه‌حل‌های مبتنی بر داده‌ها و تحول‌آفرین که بر زندگی بهتر بیماران تأثیر می‌گذارد، است. ما به همکاری با بیماران، پزشکان و مراکز درمانی هم در داخل کشور و هم سایر کشورهای همسایه، برای کشف دلایل اختلالات ژنتیکی و ارائه تشخیص های دقیق و درمان های موثر همواره متعهد خواهیم بود. تمرکز ما در طیفی از اختلال های ژنتیکی، از جمله ناباروری، سرطان، بیماری‌های نادر، اختلالات متابولیک و بیماری‌های عصبی است. هدف ما این است که پزشکان و بیماران را با استفاده از فناوری های پیشرفته و تخصص تیم خود در تشخیص ژنتیکی جامع و با کیفیت بالا، همراهی نماییم.

ما با تعهد به تعالی و همدلی، تلاش می کنیم چراغ امیدی برای افراد و خانواده هایی باشیم که با چالش های درمانی روبرو هستند. ما با هم در حال پیشروی در مسیرهای جدید تشخیص ژنتیک پزشکی و ساختن آینده ای سالم برای همه هستیم.

Dr. Hossein Baharond
Founder of Royan Abu Ali Sina Institute

About the founder

Dr. Hossein Baharond is a distinguished professor, the founder and head of the Research Institute of Stem Cell Biology and Technology of Royan Research Institute. In 1373 he received his bachelor's degree from Shiraz University, in 1375 he received his master's degree from Shahid Beheshti University, and in 1383 he received his doctorate degree in the field of developmental biology from Khwarazmi University (former teacher training). He joined Royan Research Institute in 1374. In 1382, he produced human and mouse embryonic stem cells for the first time in Iran, and in 1387, together with his colleagues, he succeeded in producing human and mouse induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). These activities enabled him and his colleagues to establish and pursue different branches of regenerative medicine in Iran. His research interests are in advancing translational research and regenerative medicine from the perspective of stem cells, developmental biology, and nature-inspired engineering. He researches the differentiation and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into heart, nerve, and liver cells and studies pluripotency mechanisms and the biology of germ cells.

Managers and other members

Dr. Amir Amiri Yekta
Director of Shakiba Medical Genetics Center

Honors and achievements

Certificates, honors and licenses of Shakiba Fertility Center. Certificates, honors and licenses of Shakiba Fertility Center.